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Online BookStore (OBS) Ltd.
Whistlestop Mall
Rockport, MA 01966
Welcome to the Online BookStore (OBS), where we have been pioneering the frontiers of Internet publishing since our release of The Internet Companion: A Beginner's Guide to Global Networking by Tracy LaQuey (Addison-Wesley) back in 1992. Readers come to the OBS to peruse files of current titles from major publishers and to buy electronic texts, as well as disk-based and paper books. Our online credit system enables visitors to clear MasterCard American Express, and Visa cards online, and our toll-free fax numbers around the world enable people to order off-line as well.
Publishers and others interested in getting hands-on training in Internet publishing regularly turn to OBS for expert consulting, seminars, and training sessions.
Accessible by both gopher and the WorldWideWeb, the OBS offers browsers lots of opportunity to sample free texts, with a focus on globally linked "distributive" or hypertext titles. Our new BookFinder service offers readers the opportunity to purchase any in-print book in any of 269 languages.
The OBS "Information That Wants To Be Free" directory contains a hotlinked starting point to other publishing sites on the Net (the "ABCs of the Publishing URLs") as well as papers about online publishing and relevant technical publications.
OBS has organized Internet Start-Up Booths at trade shows and educational seminars around the world, bringing together sponsors from publishing (Addison-Wesley and O'Reilly & Associates), telecommunications (ATT and Sprint), and internetworking companies (Delphi, EUnet, PSI, UUNET, ANS, NETCOM, and Cisco Systems). We regularly consult with publishing companies, networking companies, and the U.S. Government concerning Internet publishing issues. OBS is a co-producer of a series of courses on "Internet Publishing and Advertising" with Bolt Beranek and Newman.
We also have organized a K-12 "Catching the Internet Wave" seminar series. Our President, Laura Fillmore, regularly delivers speeches and demos about Internet Publishing at conferences around the world. The convergence of all of these activities at OBS points to an exciting and fundamental change in the definition of what "publishing" is, from being a business about the acquisition, production, and distribution of books and other publications, to being a new, global capability for people and companies to make public their ideas and information, instantaneously, in multiple media. We welcome our role as catalysts in this process of change.
How the OBS Began
The OBS combines publishing expertise with Internet know-how. Growing out of Editorial Inc., a book production company and literary agency started in 1982, the OBS has applied the skills of traditional book publishing to the Internet. On the managerial level, OBS has personnel with internetworking experience dating back to the mid-70s, enabling OBS to implement publishing ideas to help define the new business of publishing on a worldwide open network of networks.
Contact the OBS for more information about our publishing services.