In The Postman (Il Postino), Mario learns from Neruda the importance of poetry in everyday life and goes on to win the love of Beatriz through his mastery of metaphors. Not only in the movie, but also in real life, metaphors are crucial for expressing everyday problems and joys.
"Give me an example."We offer you here a new way to bring poetry into your own life. Click on the bots below, which we've constructed from three of the movie's characters, and ask for a metaphor to express whatever problem or joy absorbs you at the moment.
Neruda looked at his watch and sighed.
"Well, when you say the sky is weeping, what do you mean?"
"That's easy---that it's raining."
"So, you see, that's a metaphor."(---Mario and Pablo Neruda, in the book The Postman by Antonio Skármeta)
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